Recommended Vendors

The following are vendors I have worked with and can personally recommend!

Wedding & Event Planners

Ruby Straaten, Wedding Planner:


Caroline Pearl Floral: instagram


See wedding cake photos from some of my favorite photographers:


Joe Escobar, Jazz Ensemble: 707-337-3319


Elaine Broadley, Orem

Listed Vendors

The following are vendors I have connected with, but do not necessarily know personally. I’m passing their info along to you in case it helps with your vendor searches and wedding planning! Please let me know what experiences you have with them 🙂

Utah Wedding Venues

Southern Utah Wedding Venues – Your directory for finding wedding venues in southern Utah.

St. George, Utah Wedding Venues – This helpful site features overviews of a dozen venues on its homepage, so you can quickly scroll through and see pictures, guest counts, price ranges, and miles from St. George– without having to hunt down that information on each individual venue’s website.

Pressed Bouquet

Framed wedding bouquet preservation. Get your bridal flowers pressed and preserved for keepsake you can decorate your home with. Find more info at

 Décor Rentals